![Lawrence Gates](../images/Lawrence4.jpg)
Lawrence Gates, born April 25, 1839, Nuremberg, Germany
Biography from 1880 Atlas of Steuben County, IN
Few business men of Angola are better known or more respected, by the citizens of Steuben County, than the subject of this sketch. He was born in Nuremburg, Germany, April 25, 1839, and was the son of Christopher and Sibilla Gates, natives of Germany. He received a good education, and in 1853, he came, with his maternal grandfather, to the United states, and settled in Angola, arriving May 2, of that year. Since his coming, he has been engaged in farming and merchandising until February 6, 1871, when he entered the banking institution of Kinney and Co., where he is at present engaged.
On August 9, 1862, he left Angola with Company H, which he helped to organize, and of which he was elected First Lieutenant. This company became a part of the Seventy-fourth Indiana volunteer Infantry. After the battle of Chickamauga, he became Captain of the company, and his regiment being a part of the Fourteenth Army Corps, he participated in all its engagements until September 15, 1864, when he lost his left leg in a railroad accident at Allatoona, Ga., on account of which he resigned May 18, 1865.
He was married, June 4, 1865 to Martha E. Sowle, daughter of A.W.A. Sowle, of Angola. Mrs. Gates was born in New York, and had one child by her marriage-- Roy Gates, who died in infancy. Immediately after his marriage, he and wife went on a visit to his native land, returning in two months. Mrs. Gates died in Angola March 14, 1868, and he was again married March 28, 1869, to Tina M. Elya, of Angola, to whom has been born three children--Milla A., Fred C. and Harry L.
Mr. Gates is a member of I.O.O.F., of which he has held one of the Grand Offices; is also a member of the Knights of Honor, and has always been a stanch Republican in politics. He was the first Clerk of Angola, and has been Town Trustee five years. He and wife belong to the Disciples Church, of which they are consistent members. Mr. Gates, although coming to this county a poor German boy, has by energy, honesty and a firm determination to succeed in life, won a leading position among the best business men of Angola.
source:1880 Atlas of Steuben County, IN
Lawrence Gates in the Civil War
Regiment: 74th Infantry Regiment Indiana Date of Organization: 21 Aug 1862 Muster Date: 9 Jun 1865 Regiment State: Indiana Regiment Type: Infantry Regiment Number: 74th Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 5 Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 2 Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 86 Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 181 Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers
Regimental History
Seventy-fourth Infantry INDIANA
Seventy-fourth Infantry. -- Cols., Charles W. Chapman, Myron
Baker, Thomas Morgan; Lieut.-Cols., Samuel Keefer, Myron
Baker, Thomas Morgan, Charles B. Mann; Majs., Myron Baker,
Thomas Morgan, Charles B. Mann, William B. Jacobs.
Eight companies of this regiment were organized at Fort Wayne
in August, 1862, and were mustered in at Indianapolis Aug. 21,
leaving the state at once for Louisville and proceeding thence
to Bowling Green. They returned to Louisville Sept. 5, and
were assigned to the 2nd brigade, 1st division, Army of the
Ohio, and joined in pursuit of Bragg.
They reached Gallatin, Tenn., Nov. 10, and moved thence to
Castalian Springs, where they were joined by Cos. C and K on
Dec. 4, making the organization complete. These companies had
been left at Indianapolis to fill up their ranks and left the
state, Aug. 27, to join the regiment but were stopped at
Munfordville to assist in the defense of that place. They
were in a skirmish with Bragg's advance, Sept. 14, and took
part in the general engagement that followed, being
surrendered with the forces on the 17th, but were paroled and
on Nov. 17 were exchanged.
The regiment aided in driving Morgan's forces across the
Cumberland at Hartsville, and later overhauled Morgan at Salt
River, the brigade driving him across the Rolling fork. The
regiment was assigned to the 2nd brigade, 3d division, 14th
corps, and moved on Jan. 13, 1863, from Gallatin to Nashville,
thence to Lavergne, remaining there until June 3, when it
moved to Triune.
It then marched on the campaign against Tullahoma and
skirmished at Hoover's gap. Moving from Tullahoma in August,
it participated in the campaign against Chattanooga, crossed
the Tennessee, and was in a skirmish at Dug gap. It was one
of the first regiments engaged at Chickamauga and was one of
the last to leave the field. Its loss was 20 killed, 129
wounded and 11 missing.
It reached Chattanooga on Sept. 22; was in action constantly
during that siege and in the victorious assault at Missionary
Ridge; pursued the enemy as far as Ringgold, GA, returned to
Chattanooga and was transferred to the 3rd brigade, 3d
division, 14th corps; moved with Sherman's army in the Atlanta
campaign, and was engaged almost daily in skirmishing and in
the battles at Dallas, Kennesaw, Lost Mountain, Peachtree
creek and numerous minor engagements about Atlanta.
Lieut.-Col. Baker in command, was killed in front of Atlanta
Aug. 5. At Jonesboro the brigade carried the works, capturing
4 pieces of artillery and over 700 men. The 74th lost 13
killed and 40 wounded in this affair, most of the latter dying
later of their wounds.
With the corps, it was in pursuit of Hood's army in October,
and then joined in the march to Savannah, the regiment
engaging in a skirmish with Wheeler's cavalry at Rocky Creek
Church. From Savannah it passed through Georgia and the
Carolinas to Raleigh, thence to Washington City.
The original strength was 942; gain by recruits, 215; total,
1,157. Loss by death, 260; desertion, 25, unaccounted for, 4.
Source: Union Army, vol 3, p. 157
Chickamagua after battle report:
Report of Lieut. Col. Myron Baker, Seventy-fourth Indiana Infantry.
HDQRS. 74TH REGT. IND. INF., 2d BRIG., 3d DIV., 14TH A. C.,
Chattanooga, September 25, 1863.
SIR: On the night of the 18th instant the Seventy-fourth Indiana Infantry,
Col. Charles W. Chapman commanding, together with the brigade to which
it belongs. Col. John T. Croxton commanding, marched left in front from
Morgan's Ford, on the Chickamauga Creek, Walker County, Ga., along the
Chattanooga road, obliquing to the right where this road intersects with the
road leading to Ringgold. The regiment was on the march all night.
At about 9 a. m. of the 19th instant the brigade, having moved up the
Ringgold road about 1 mile, was halted and line of battle formed in the
woods facing nearly east. The Seventy-fourth Indiana held the right of the
front line, the Tenth Indiana being on its immediate left. At about 10 a. m.
the line was advanced, changing direction slightly toward the right. When
the line had advanced about one-half a mile in the direction above indicated,
the skirmishers thrown forward in our front became engaged and in a short
time were driven in by the rebel cavalry, which in turn was repulsed by a
volley from the Fourth Kentucky, Tenth Indiana, and Seventy-fourth Indiana.
The skirmishers again being thrown forward the men were ordered to lie
down to screen themselves from shells which were being thrown into the line
by a rebel battery. In a few minutes after the attack by the rebel cavalry in
front, it was discovered that the enemy was attempting to turn our right, and
the line was immediately changed fronting in that direction at almost right
angles with the original line of battle. The Seventy-fourth Indiana executed
the movement under a sharp fire from the rebels. The skirmishers in front
having changed direction parallel with the line were soon drive back and the
whole line became engaged with the line of the enemy. In a short time it
became apparent that the
right wing of the Seventy-fourth Indiana was thrown too far forward, being
exposed in its new position to a terrible fire on the right flank, in
consequence of which Col. Chapman ordered that flank to be thrown farther
Up to this time, although exposed to a severe fire under which the loss in
killed and wounded had been considerable, the regiment held its position
unwaveringly and returned the enemy's fire with commendable coolness and
alacrity. When the order to retire the right flank was given it was
misunderstood for a command to retire the whole line, and the regiment was
momentarily thrown into confusion, but immediately rallied and took position
on the right of the Tenth Kentucky, where it fought unflinchingly until its 60
rounds of cartridges had been expended, when it was relieved and went to
the rear for ammunition. Being replenished with 60 additional rounds of
cartridges, the regiment was moved to the right along the Ringgold road
about 500 yards, when it was formed again in line of battle, the Fourteenth
Ohio on the right, the Fourth Kentucky in the center, and the Seventy-fourth
Indiana on the left, the command of the three regiments being assigned to
Col. Chapman, devolving the command of this regiment on me. This line
was advanced about 2 p. m., steadily driving the enemy before it for over
half a mile, when our advance was checked by the overwhelming numbers
of the enemy, who concentrated a destructive artillery and infantry fire upon
our single line, which was at the time wholly unsupported. Up to this time
no artillery had been employed to assist us, owing to the nature of the
ground and the density of the thick woods through which the battle raged.
It was in this contest that Lieut. Thomas Bodley fell mortally wounded
as Lieut. Richard H. Hall had fallen in the first encounter. Both of these
officers died the same day, having discharged their duties faithfully and well.
It was here also that 8 other of the line officers of the regiment were
wounded and the loss of enlisted men very heavy. It was at this time also
that Col. Chapman was seriously injured and disabled for command by the
fall of his horse, which had been killed under him. It was here that we
charged the rebel lines, but being overpowered after a desperate struggle for
the mastery of the ground, I ordered the regiment to fall back, and took
position on a ridge about 300 yards in rear of where our advance was
checked. This was the last struggle in which the Seventy-fourth Indiana was
engaged on that day.
The following are the names of the officers who were wounded on the 19th
instant: Col. Charles W. Chapman, Capt. Andrew S. Milice, Capt. Samson
J. North, Capt. Everett F. Abbott, Capt. Joel F. Kinney, First Lieut.
Ananias Davis, First Lieut. David P. Deardoff, Second Lieut.
Richard H. Hall, Second Lieut. John Snider, a total of 11 out of 24
officers who went into the engagement. I have attached hereto a list with the
name and rank of each officer and enlisted man killed and wounded in the
Recapitulation of first day's engagement: On the morning of the 19th instant
the regiment numbered for active field duty--
Enlisted men............376
Loss during the first day:
Officers mortally wounded, since dead....................... 2
Officers wounded............................................ 9
Enlisted men killed......................................... 20
Enlisted men wounded........................................ 110
Missing..................................................... 7
Aggregate killed, wounded, and missing................. 148
On the morning of the 20th instant, having supplied the men under my
command with 60 additional rounds of ammunition, I was ordered to relieve
the Fourth Kentucky to enable that regiment to get breakfast. I executed the
order, deploying Companies H and C (they having no commissioned officers
present), under command of Lieut. C. C. Beane as skirmishers. Before
the deployment was finished 1 man from Company C was wounded.
About 8 a. m. the Seventy-fourth Indiana, with the Tenth Indiana on its
immediate right, moved to the left and joined on the Seventy-fifth Indiana,
the right regiment of Reynolds' division. The skirmishers moved to the left
at the same time covering our front. The Seventy-fourth Indiana occupied a
low ridge of ground with an open field in front (in which were some
scattered trees) on the extreme left of the Second Brigade. On the brow of
this ridge I caused the men to construct a rude breastwork of logs and rails
behind which they could take shelter from the enemy's musketry, and which
proved to be of very great advantage in the subsequent fight. At about 10.30
a. m. the firing, which had been very heavy to my left and along the line of
Reynolds' division, struck my line of battle. I ordered the men to kneel
down behind their works and hold their fire until the enemy were within 60
or 70 yards of our line. The companies of skirmishers were soon driven in,
but not a shot was fired by us until the rebels who were charging on us with
a yell had come within 70 yards of us, when I ordered the men to rise up
and commence firing. The men mostly aimed deliberately and fought with
a spirit and determination which could not well be surpassed, for the
comparative security and strength of their position gave them increased
confidence. The Seventy-fourth Indiana and Tenth Indiana held their
position, keeping up an incessant and untiring fire, until their ammunition
was nearly exhausted, when they were ordered to cease firing, fix bayonets,
and await the nearer approach of the foe. Twice during this engagement the
enemy was thrown into confusion and driven back from before our position.
About this time the line to the right of the Tenth Indiana gave way, and the
rebels made their appearance in an open field on the right flank of the Tenth
Indiana. Lieut.-Col. Taylor, commanding that veteran regiment, changed
his front almost perpendicularly to the rear, and the Seventy-fourth Indiana
protected the original line until he had completed that movement, when I
faced the regiment by the rear rank and formed line of battle on his right at
an acute angle with the original line and in rear of a fence and some old log
buildings. Here the regiment fought until its ammunition was completely
exhausted, and the rebels were driven back from the open field over which
they were advancing.
At this time the Tenth and Seventy-fourth Indiana were separated from the
rest of the brigade, which had been sent to the right to fill a breach in the
line, and Lieut.-Col. Taylor, being the ranking officer, took command
of both regiments. The regiment now
moved through the woods toward the left, and awaited the arrival of
ammunition in an open ground where Hazen's brigade was lying behind
some log fortifications.
About 4 p. m. we got a supply of ammunition and occupied a position
behind the breastworks, from which Hazen's brigade had been withdrawn.
When the retreat commenced in the evening we were the last to leave that
part of the field, and brought away with us one section of artillery, which
was in rear of all the infantry, except the Tenth and Seventy-fourth Indiana.
These regiments both left that part of the field in good order under a severe
artillery fire from the enemy, and halted and formed line of battle facing the
enemy on a hill where Gen. Steedman's division had been fighting. The
Seventy-fourth and Tenth Indiana were the last organized bodies of infantry
that left that ground. About 8.30 p. m. the two regiments moved from that
point toward Rossville by the right flank, the Seventy-fourth Indiana in front,
followed by the Tenth Indiana.
On the 20th the loss of this regiment was light, and is attributable to the fact
that the men in the heat of the engagement were most of the time protected
by the rude fortifications they had constructed in the morning. Adjt. George
C. Smith and Capt. W. N. Rogers were the only commissioned officers
injured on this day, and no enlisted man was killed.
Recapitulation of second day's engagement:
Officers wounded ............................ 2
Enlisted men wounded......................... 6
Missing...................................... 4
Aggregate killed, wounded, and missing...... 12
Killed, wounded, and missing, 19th instant..148
Aggregate loss, September 19 and 20, 1863...160
I will only add that I am fully satisfied with the behavior of both officers and
men on the trying occasions of each day, and I refrain from particularizing
individual instances of heroic daring and gallantry, for where all do their
duty bravely and well it would be unjust and improper to make distinctions
which might seem invidious and institute comparisons by which others
equally deserving and meritorious might be injured.
Lieut. Col., Comdg. Seventy-fourth Regt. Indiana Infty.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-Gen., Second Brigade.
Source: Official Records
[Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.]
Battles Fought
Fought on 14 Sep 1862 at Munfordville, KY.
Fought on 4 Feb 1863 at Munfordville, KY.
Fought on 23 Feb 1863.
Fought on 19 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA.
Fought on 20 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA.
Fought on 25 Nov 1863 at Missionary Ridge, TN.
Fought on 14 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA.
Fought on 15 Jun 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA.
Fought on 22 Jul 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 5 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 6 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 7 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 12 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 18 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 20 Aug 1864 at Atlanta, GA.
Fought on 1 Sep 1864 at Jonesboro, GA.
Fought on 20 Sep 1864.
Fought on 20 Oct 1864 at Calhoun, GA.
Fought on 8 Nov 1864 at Kingston, GA.
US Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
Name: Lawrence Gates
Residence: Angola, Indiana
Occupation: Farmer
Age at Enlistment: 23
Enlistment Date: 8 Sep 1862
Rank at enlistment: 1st Lieut
Enlistment Place: Angola, IN
State Served: Indiana
Survived the War? Yes
Service Record: Commissioned an officer in Company H, Indiana 74th Infantry Regiment on 20 Aug 1862.
Promoted to Full Captain on 08 Oct 1863.
Mustered out on 18 May 1865.
Birth Date: 25 Apr 1839
Sources: Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana
Research by Mark Davis