Individuals by surname: Miner - Sarah

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Miner - Moriarty
Morrell - Morse, Velina
Morse, Williard - Mott
Mould - Munson
Murray - Myers
Myrick - Newman
Newton - Olive
OliveM. - Paddleford
Paddock - Parsch
Parsons - Peck
Peirce - Phelps
Philippa - Pilling
Pinney - Porter
Potter - Powell
Prather - Pryor
Punderson - Rachel
Randall - Rebecca
Reid - Reynolds
Rhodes - Riedener
Riley - Roberts, Electa
Roberts, Electra - Roberts, John
Roberts, John5 - Roberts, Margaret
Roberts, Marilla - Roberts, Penelope
Roberts, Phebe - Roberts, Unknown
Roberts, Wallace - Rogers
Roland - Sackett
Saint Barbe - Sarah

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