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Markle Gates Genealogy

These web pages were created by Jan R. Markle from genealogical data in the GEDCOM file GED1.ged.

Please follow the links on the index pages to view text and clickable chart pedigrees.

To search for an individual in these pages, click here.

Take a moment to play around with this system, it's fun when you get the gist of it! Instructions: make sure "full" above is selected, then click on "index pages" above.

Click on the alphabetical index until you reach an individual name. Click on a name and a pedigree chart for that person will appear in the right-hand frame.

Clicking on a name in the pedigree chart will create that person's details in the frames on the left side, person's details on top, family's details on bottom.

Only a person's mother's or father's line is shown at one time. Click on arrows to show hidden information: up-arrows show ancestors, down-arrows show children or other spouses, sideways-arrows show siblings.

After clicking an arrow,the chart reformats, so don't forget to scroll down to find the main person.

To go back to last page, use the small left and right carot symbols on the upper left menu- not your browser's back button.

Please contact me with any corrections or additions. Would love to hear from you!

These pages were generated by HtmlPedigree : Registered by Jan R. Markle
Last modified 17 September 2008
The JavaScript files and common HTML content are copyright Chris Phillips 2003-2005

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Copyright 2008 Jan R. Markle