Individuals by surname: Ledford - Mills

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Ledford - Lewis, Jr.
Lewis, Lucinda - Lewis, Reuben
Lewis, Robert - Littlefield
Littlepage - Livinston
Loeb - Lowe
Lucille - MacKenzie
Mackinsie - Maplet
Mardenbrough - Markle
Marks - Mary
Maryan - Mason, Sampson
Mason, Samuel - Matthews
Maud - McHale
McIntyre - McNary, Jerusha
McNary, John - McNary, William
McNary, Willie - Meriwether, David
Meriwether, Dr.Samuel - Meriwether, Henry
Meriwether, Husband - Meriwether, Lucy
Meriwether, Martha - Meriwether, Mildred
Meriwether, Miss - Meriwether, Samuel
Meriwether, Sarah - Meriwether, Valentine
Meriwether, William - Merrifield
Merrill - Merritt
Messenger - Miller, Elizabeth
Miller, Emily - Miller, James
Miller, John - Miller, Mary
Miller, Mora - Miller, Ruth
Miller, Samuel - Mills

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