Individuals by surname: Catherine_W. - Gates, HorseHorst

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Catherine_W. - Child
Chittenden - Churchill
Cinderella - Clifton
Clough - Coddington
Coit - Collins
Colston - Cotton
Coulson - Cowdery
Cowgill - Crandall
Crawford - Crosby
Crow - Dafydd
Daggett - Davis
Day - De Clare
De Fiennes - Deade
Dean - Dexter
Diamond - Doll
Dora_B. - Driscoll
Duckworth - Durfee
Dwyer - Elizabeth
Ellen_E. - Evans
Fairbank - Fairbanks, John
Fairbanks, Jonas - Fairbanks, Mary
Fairbanks, Phebe - Farley
Farnsley - Fitch
Fithian - Fitzgerald
Fitzhugh - Foster
Fowler - Freeman
French - Gates, HorseHorst

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